Medicare Pricing and Contract Management Solutions Made Easy
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Embracing Transparency and Fiscal Responsibility: The Quest for Medicare-inspired Pricing Strategy
Major business organizations tend to use a self-funded, Medicare-based insurance plan. If you ask them what factors propelled them to transition out of their insurance plan, you’ll get to know they turned to what is known as “reference-based pricing” after seeing double-digit rate increases with each renewal of their carrier’s plan. This scenario is frustrating for…
Steps to Use Medicare Pricer Tools to Calculate Potential Medical Expenses
Navigating the maze of healthcare costs can feel overwhelming for many due to factors like regional differences, provider rates, and the type of care provided that add layers of complexity. Fortunately, there is hope in the form of Medicare pricer tools, which can greatly simplify this process. These tools are specifically designed for TPAs, PPOs,…
What Do You Need to Know About Medicare Advantage Plans?
The annual Medicare Open Enrollment Period, from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, is a crucial time for evaluating and selecting your Medicare coverage. If you are 65 or turning 65 within three months, it’s a prime opportunity to assess your unique healthcare needs and compare the various options available. But what exactly can you do…