Is Reference-Based Pricing a Cost-Cutting Tool for Employers?

Cost-caps for health plans are gaining popularity. A relatively new solution to controlling health plan expenses, Medicare reference-based pricing (RBP), has been buzzing among employers and advisers alike. Referral-based pricing from Medicare lets employers save too, allowing them to control short- and long-term health care costs. In spite of all the buzz about reference-based pricing,…

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Enhance Administrative Efficiency with TPA Medicare Claims Repricing

With the centralization of their workflows, third-party administrators can save significant amounts by replacing manual procedures with automated ones. So, TPAs can re-price all commercial claims at Medicare rates (Reference Based Pricing) at a percentage of Medicare allowable, as well as price all Medicare claims. SaaS-based CMSPricer’s Medicare claims repricing platform optimizes clinical, financial, and…

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